Spit Spreads Death 2020 COVID-19 Update Free PDF Download

Spit Spreads Death During the pandemic in 1918, Philadelphia hung these signs in the streets (that's City Hall in the background of this photo), I believe it applies even more so today, hence why I whipped up this tiny 7kb PDF file you can download at home while practicing social isolation, and post it in your front windows to remind those brave few who can go outside that indeed, spitting is a disgusting habit that is now life threatening.

Yes, this is filling my time during quarantine, and this is certainly low-hanging fruit (really, public spitting?), but I like to see how history has reacted, as it seems everything is simply repeating itself again and again. Plus, spitting is a disgusting habit that is now life threatening. (Repeated message now sinking in...)

Special Thanks to this reddit post for that photo inspiration, ShrinkPDF, who compressed my downloadable PDF file by 97% (Seriously! 297K to 7k - AMAZING!) and to my friends at TinyPNG, who easily shaved more than two thirds off our images, making this page load fast!