This is what Undersold: More than a handful of quality novelties, curiosities and keepsakes. The creative sweat we poured into these objects d'art shows in their tight wit and creative packaging. As all labors of love, we undercharge for these creative bits of rebellion, and throw in always free U.S. shipping (to the continental 48) on in-stock items from our headquarters in Philadelphia. Peruse our vast and ever-changing lists of Apparel, Novelties, Prints, Pranks & Stickers!

We also have custom domains for some of our products, including:, and Please check those jawns out!

Newest Stickers from Under Design

Newest Apparel from Under Design

Newest Novelties from Under Design

Newest Stencils from Under Design

Newest Prints from Under Design

Newest Pranks from Under Design

More Stickers!

Even More Apparel (Ya know, Clothes, to wear!)

Even More Bumper (Sized?) Stickers

We Also Sell Business Cards

And these Cool Pin-backs

Lots of Prints + Pranks

We Have a Lot Of Stickers!