Dramatic Exit Sign - Free Prank PDF Joke Print - Resurrected 2020 Repost

When I saw the comic to the left, I knew immediately that I had to come up with a free PDF download and let others join in the fun.
This took me a few minutes to whip up this downloadable PDF file (323kb) and post it here for free download! And before you try and find my contact form to complain that the pictured arrow points in the wrong direction for your needs - I already thought of that! The PDF download is two pages and the arrow points to the left or right depending on your backstage layout. Everything was compressed for fastest downloading, while still maintaining pixels.
This design was resurrected from 2020, where it somehow managed to collect all the assorted media needed to post it (PDF, images, previews) but the blog post was never written and added to the publishing queue. I only found it in 2025 while updating all my old blog posts to our new semantic HTML design, and finished it up and published it only five years late!
Special Thanks to ShrinkPDF, who compressed my downloadable PDF file by 90% and to my friends at TinyJPG, who easily shaved more than two thirds off that image, making this page load fast!